Import pictures and other types of images scanned with TWAIN scanners or other devices to immediately edits them by cropping, mirroring, correcting colors, brightness, contrast, etc., and applying multiple effects. There is also an option of conversion to GIF animations and batch processing of JPEG.
Amazing images can be created with other 40 effect filters available in 2 different applications supplied with Babya Photo Workshop Professional-Babya Effects FX and Babya Effects FX Studio that has some radical and impressive effects-including a 'Floyd' image effect (quite stunning when applied to a colorful image) whilst Babya Photo Workshop Professional itself has borders, frames and 10 easy to apply effect filters and also in Babya Effects FX there's a cool 3D grid and strange art filters, just to name a few effects that are easily applied to images using Babya Effects FX.
Babya Photo Workshop Mini Lab is useful for easily correcting tone and color balance in images and has quick and easy to use image effects too.
In addition to that Babya Photo Workshop Professional even has a brilliant histogram generator and in Babya Effect FX Studio, ability to create a custom image filter, On top of that there's in Babya Presenter- a easy to use presentation maker and has various transitions and is a breeze to use. Presentations can be viewed with a included runtime player. more